Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pretty Peonies

It's been rainy and cool here the past few days. You know me though. I prefer it that way! But I'm feeling like I need a bright spot. A few weeks ago I bought these pretties.

giant pink blooms

They smelled very good. So summery! They were lovely. I think I've always loved peonies. We had two big bushes of them (or one giant one? Not sure which!) at home growing up, and I always think of those when I see peonies now. Maybe some day when I'm a grown up and have a yard of my very own I'll have some too.

partially open

The just opening ones were so interesting, their different colors. They lasted the whole week too, which was great!

essence of summer

You just can't beat that, can you.


I hope these pictures brightened your day!


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