Thursday, December 29, 2011

almost forgot!

I almost forgot that I haven't shown you a few finished knitted objects. Now that all the presents have been opened, I can share these with you!

They're the gifts I knitted this year. They were a little last minute. I wasn't really planning on knitting any gifts this year, other than one I had made over the summer for my mom to give to a friend of hers. Honestly, I wasn't sure anyone would want anything I would/could make. Not everyone appreciates hand knit things, you know? Not when there are so many awesome things out there in stores, available for so inexpensive, in any color you'd ever be able to imagine.

But it was brought to my attention there were a few things I could make that would be good gifts. Here they are.

cabled legwarmers (pattern here on Ravelry)

These were made for Mom. She wanted something to keep her ankles warm when she's sitting watching tv at night. The yarn is Schachenmayr SMC Bravo Rainbow Color, in blues and grays. I think it's acrylic (can't find the label at the moment). They are so soft, and hopefully cozy!

constellation fingerless mittens (no pattern)

These were made for my sister. She loved my constellation hexipuff, so I thought I'd make her some fingerless mittens with the summer sky on them! They turned out pretty well, I think. I used SMC Select Highland Alpaca Fino, in dark blue. Soft and hopefully warm for those cool evenings that she helps out at the Dark Sky Park at Cherry Springs!

I had fun knitting things to give away. I should do it more often! But maybe think about it ahead of time, rather than two weeks before the package has to be sent! I'm not a very fast knitter, so it was a push to get these done. 

Live and learn, huh?

Start Christmas knitting in January!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

And so it begins again

The countdown, that is.

Starting back at the beginning.

363 days until Christmas.

(It's leap year this year.)

Did everyone have a nice holiday? Was it a white one for you? We didn't have snow, but that's not unusual for here. It was warmer than normal, too. I think most people were alright with that, but I miss having a white Christmas.

Here are some pictures of my decorations this year.

 pine boughs, holly, mistletoe and hand made yarny snowflake

 same ingredients, but mittens instead of a snowflake

 oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree...

I meant to post these much earlier, but hey... life happens.

I had a little fun with my camera and made these shots too.

sweeping lights

whirly wheeeee!!!

Remember Spirographs? Doesn't this remind you of those? I was quite pleased with that one!

I hope that everyone had an enjoyable holiday!


Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Gosh, I can't believe how busy it's been around here! I have had so many posts planned, but I haven't had time for any of them! And just 3 days 'till Christmas! whoa.

But I had to take a minute to post this little holiday treat. I read about it on Ravelry.

Go to Google, and then type in the search bar "let it snow" (minus the quotes), and then let it search.

Sit back and enjoy!

I hope you're having a great pre-Christmas week. I know I am! Ludi is off this week, so we're doing all sorts of Christmassy things. Maybe next week I'll be able to catch up here!


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12 days??!!

Seriously? It's only 12 days until Christmas? Whew, this month is just FLYING isn't it?

What with all the decorating and card writing and Christmas shopping and cookie planning and still trying to do normal every day stuff (cook and clean??), I just don't know where the days are going.

Last Saturday we went on a bus trip to Bonn, Germany for their Christmas market. It was a really great day, and I'll make a post in the next day or two with the photos!

That same day, this was delivered:

a package from Sandy Claus!!!

It's a package from Mom! Unfortunately we weren't home to accept delivery. BUT one of our nice neighbors accepted it, and then brought it to us on Sunday when we were home.

The tree is up and decorated now, and the contents of the package are arranged underneath. I can't wait to open them on Christmas morning! I may be old now, but I still get all kid-like on Christmas morning. Wanting to get up before dawn and everything.

Fun times.

I hope everyone is getting their holidays on!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Sinterklaas Kapoentje,
Leg wat in mijn schoentje,
Leg wat in mijn laarsje,
Dank je Sinterklaasje!

Sinterklaas visited yesterday! He left us chocolate letters in our shoes (sorta!).

 who doesn't love chocolate?

A milk chocolate for Ludi, and a milk chocolate with hazelnuts for me. How does Sint know? How does he know our favorites? It's magic, isn't it?

Sint (aka Ludi) also left these in my shoe

left it small - too extreme close up - yikes

Magnifying glasses. So I can crochet little tiny snowflakes. Yay! It's my dream to make this:

photo courtesy Martha

a garland of crocheted snowflakes. I want it to be in that tiny fine thread, but it was so hard to make them, with my aging eyes. These glasses will help immensely with that! So I love them, even if they do make me feel/look like Granny.

Did Sint leave anything in your schoentje?


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Where did November go?

Hello everyone! So nice to see you all! Won't you come in and have a cuppa?

 chai tea latte... favorite

I got out my Christmas mugs last week. It's so fun to drink from these. My tea of choice is chai latte. Such creamy deliciousness. Crazy good!

It's hard to believe that November is over already. I knew it would happen. I knew it would fly by like ... like... well, like something really fast. But as usual I am shocked that it's December 1st. Now that it is, though, we can really get down to Christmas Business.

I've been busy doing some Christmas knitting (pics after Christmas!), making cards to send my Ravelry friends and trying to get more into the mood. The weather here has been so mild it's hard to find Christmas spirit! I heard on the news yesterday that November was the dryest ever this year. Normally we get 82mm of rain, and this year we got 9. NINE. Less than half an inch. And it was sunnier, and warmer than normal too. I'm all for a little warmth in fall and winter, but come on.


How's about a little snow for the holidays?


In the meantime, while you're working on getting some winter weather for us here in The Netherlands, I'll listen to more Christmas music, put up some twinkle lights, light the pine-scented candle and enjoy the season.

Oh, and drink my fantabulous tea.


