Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day everyone!

I pledge allegiance to the flag...

I hope everyone has great weather for their holiday cookouts or whatever it is you do on this day of remembering.


Friday, May 27, 2011

Vacation Part II: Karen's Visit to Potter County

The first week of vacation was great. I forget how quiet it is here. Other than the peepers, it’s mostly silent.

Fantastically silent.

I so don’t miss my neighbors. Or city noise.

My friend Karen (and her husband and daughter) came up to our neck of the woods to visit over the first weekend of our vacation. We had a great time! She stayed at a local camping grounds, Potter County Family Camping. They are experienced campers, having done it for a few summers now, but this is the first time they came to North Central PA. Since the weather was a little iffy (likelihood of rain), they decided to rent a cabin instead of take a chance with their tent. It was the cutest little cabin.

Too bad I didn’t get a picture while it was light out?

It was just one room (sleeps 4 probably) with a little porch. There was a picnic table and a firepit, of course. The other cabins around them were empty (pre-holiday weekend). It felt like we had the whole campgrounds to ourselves!

Mountain pie and roasting a weenie over the campfire

We sat around the campfire for dinner, making mountain pies and then dessert - S’MORES!!! You have to have s’mores when you camp. It’s some sort of law I think? At least with us it is. It was Ludi’s First Official Marshmallow Roasting.

graham cracker, chocolate and marshmallowy goodness

After we ate we took a short walk around the campgrounds, and then came back and sat around the campfire until it was just embers.

hypnotic campfire

My clothes still smelled of campfire days later, but it was worth it. I love sitting around a campfire. There’s something about staring into the fire, listening to the great outdoors outside your circle of light, and fighting the smoke column that makes your eyes water and lungs burn. Nothin’ better.

Earlier that afternoon we visited the Pennsylvania Lumber Museum. If you are ever in the area, I do recommend a visit here. When the region was first settled, since it was so thick with forest, they naturally turned to logging. This museum has all sorts of lumbering memorabelia and even a logging locomotive on display. And very very nice people working there too.

engine number 4

house for engine number 4

It looks like it's snowing, but that was fluffy stuff from the trees (no idea what kind of tree). It was everywhere! You couldn't take a deep breath without inhaling some of it.

logging pond

mess hall stove

I can't imagine cooking up a meal for anyone on that, let alone dozens of hungry woodhicks.

Saturday we all went to The Pennsylvania Grand Canyon. We stopped first at Leonard Harrison State Park, where they have a fantastic lookout.

definitely grand

Down at the bottom of the canyon, there is a trail that follows along Pine Creek. It used to be a railroad, but they’ve taken out the rails and left it groomed for bikers and hikers. The entire trail is over 60 miles long, and starts near the Grand Canyon. Since it’s flat, we thought we’d give it a shot and do some biking on there. Certainly not the entire way, but just a little ways.

early in the trip, when we still had energy

Karen and her family brought their own bikes, but my sister, Ludi and I rented some from Pine Creek Outfitters. They aren’t right next to the trail, but they shuttle your rented bikes to the trail for you! How cool is that?

We (I?) still over estimated how far we could ride. We ended up going over 16 miles total.

16 miles.

25.7 kilometers

84, 480 feet.

It was way too far. Times two. We were hurting by the end. (At least I was!) That’s why there’s no pictures after about a quarter of the way. It was all I could manage to stay on the bike. On the way back I had to walk about half of it.

Now I know.

But in the end, now that it doesn’t hurt to sit anymore, I can say we had a good time. We made a lot of good memories, so it was worth it. We got rained on twice, swallowed bugs, ate our lunch at the ladies “Comfort Station” (fancy name for the bathroom) and spent time with good friends.

Well worth the effort.

Stay tuned for a post of our visit to Pittsburgh!


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Vacation 2011

We’re on vacaaaaaayshun... we’re on vacaaaaaayshun! Yay!

I wasn’t sure about posting the fact that we’re on a trip in my blog. I mean, I hear/read stories about people who post stuff like that online, and when they get home their entire house has been emptied of it’s contents. But not enough people read my blog right now to worry about it. Plus, I think the ones who read it are not even on the same continent as where I live so it’s even less of a chance of happening. Right? eeks, I hope so!

Vacation is great (it started a little iffy - the airline/airport lost our luggage! But we got it that same night, so no harm, no foul.). It is so great to be back home. I finally get to see Mom’s new floor in person! She took up the decades old carpet in the living room and the same age vinyl in the kitchen and replaced it with a hardwood look-a-like, and it’s fabulous!

Brazilian Cherry

I’m scared of scratching/scuffing it, but it looks great! It makes me want some in my apartment too!

I’m also doing more crafty stuff here. I don’t have a sewing machine at home, so I am taking advantage of the one here and making some quilted coasters (pattern found at, of course!).

quick and easy and fun to make! 
There is a quilt/fabric shop in town, and we went there to get some supplies for my crafty endeavors. I was drooling over the fabric, and also their quilting machine. A long arm quilter. Oh. My. Gosh. I wish I could move back to here just so I can get to use this machine. I’m going to try to go back there and take some pictures for my reader(s), and hopefully see it in action!

oooh, I hope that happens. *hyperventilate*

We’ve done some shopping, some cooking on the grill, some visiting... and also watching it rain. It hasn’t really stopped since we got here. And it’s showing no signs of stopping, unfortunately.

Who needs sun, right? It just gives you sunburns and wrinkles.

It’s been the wettest year ever here, I think. In our region anyways. In the mid-south (Texas) they’re having extreme droughts. It’s strange that their neighbors, in the Missisippi Valley, they’re having the worst flooding they’ve had in years. Can’t they just ship a little of their water to Texas, and then everyone would be happy? Hook up a hose or something? Sump pump?

No? Not possible you say? Oh well, I tried.

It’s also very very dry in Europe. Go Go Global Warming.

This weekend a friend is coming up to camp and see the PA Grand Canyon. I hope it’s not too wet to enjoy! It will be a good time anyways, showing someone around my home town and the surrounding area.

In a few days we are traveling to Pittsburgh to visit the city where I lived for 16 years before moving to The Netherlands. It’ll be nice to be back in the Burgh again, and I’ll get to see friends there too. That’s always a good time! Really looking forward to it.

I hope the weather is more friendly where you are. I’ll see you soon!


NOTE: I still would like to know if you read my blog! If you could leave a comment, that would be fantastic. I’m trying to see if this is worth doing, or if I should just do a letter to my Mom each week. Let me know you stopped by, and what else you’d like to see here!  Thanks!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011


It's Friday the 13th!!

Run for the hills!

Throw salt over your shoulder!

Don't walk under ladders!

Or, just go about your normal daily business. I'm not superstitious about Friday the 13th at all. Even after all the movies. Do you have any superstitions? Not stepping on cracks? Worried about broken mirrors? Do you have any habits to break the spell of the superstitions (like the throwing salt one)?

Look at me, asking all these questions. I think since there are only about three people who read this blog on a regular basis, I know the answers. Speaking of which...who reads this blog? If you read this post, could you do me a favor and post a comment? I'd like to know my audience. ha ha ha!

Let me know what kinds of things you'd like to read here, too. More about life here in The Netherlands? Less about knitting and crochet? More about those? More posts? More/less photos? Give me some feedback!

y'know.... if you want to......


p.s.  the countdown to vacation still rolls on. I can taste the Reese Cups and Gibbles potato chips now.
Not at the same time, of course.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Happy Mother's Day everyone!


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Countdown to Vacation

Gees Louise, time flies doesn’t it?

It’s already just two weeks until our vacation. Two and a half weeks back home in the States. yeehaw!!! It seems like we just bought our plane tickets! Well, we did buy them late this time, but we have had them for a few months I think. But still... it got here so fast!

And I can’t believe April is over already. I’ve been FUNemployed for a month now. Though it hasn’t been much fun, really. Some has been. Knitting all the time, sleeping in, staying in jammies all day just cuz I can. That’s been fun. Ooh, and I DID get to watch The Royal Wedding live on Friday (William and Kate).

Has anyone else had enough of Royal Wedding Madness? I’ve noticed that almost every headline I see is about this wedding. It was a beautiful event, and very touching when he whispered “you look beautiful” to his bride at the alter. But I’m over it now.

It’s also been stressful worrying about money and of course the inevitable depression thinking I’ll never find a job here, feeling like I don’t know enough Dutch yet and that no one wants me

everyone hates me

guess I’ll go eat worms.

Anyways, it’s been a fast month. I hope my time in the States doesn’t go as fast, but vacations always do. Even faster than your regular ol' time-flies-when-you’re-having-fun times. We have a lot planned, packing as much FUN into it as humanly possible! We’re both really looking forward to it.

Now if I could just get someone else to pack for me.

And somehow get upgraded to first-class on the plane.
