Thursday, April 26, 2012

Another year gone by

Yep. Another one.

Sometimes I feel like I'm sleeping through it. Like I must have missed something, how else can the years be flying by so quickly?

Guess that's a sign of old age, huh? *gulp*

Happy Birthday to us! Pam and me, that is.

We're not older, we're wiser.

Yeah, that's it. Wiser.

I made some cookies to celebrate the day.


Come on over and enjoy a few with some coffee or tea! Please. So I don't eat them all! (oh my, they're so good.)

Trees are budding, flowers are blooming - there's color all over the place!

Kwanzan Cherry blossoms
The photo is a few years old, but they're still just as gorgeous this year. I love that they're in bloom on my birthday.

don't you love the hot pink centers?

Are those apple blossoms (above)? I have no idea. I saw the trees a few weeks ago while walking around the neighborhood, and I just had to have a picture.

my favorite flowers

And of course, what Spring/Easter season would be complete without tulips? These were such a dark ruby red. LOVEd them.

I hope that wherever you are, you are enjoying your spring as much as we are here.


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