Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fall colors

Don't you just love the colors of fall? All the reds and yellows and oranges and some browns thrown in for good measure. Just gorgeous.

I walk past this tree every work morning on my way to the bus stop.

What kind of tree is it? It's got thorns too!
I've been admiring it for a few weeks, ever since it began to change it's colors. The red of the fruits against the yellow of the leaves. A great combination. I was waiting for a nice sunny day to get a good picture. But of course the weather wasn't cooperating. Finally the other morning it was sunny enough to get some kind of photo with my phone (hence the blur). 

I was glad I had taken the time in the morning to take a picture, because the weather turned nasty again later in the day. It was so dark at 5pm that the street lights were on. Plus the wind had blown off almost all of the leaves!

I clock the seasons with this tree right across from my bus stop.

a giant tree

Beautiful, isn't it?

I'm glad the weather gave me one day to admire the orange-yellow leaves against a blue sky.

I hope you're enjoying your fall colors.


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