Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring has SPRUNG!!!!

Hi folks! How's everyone today? Is Spring FINALLY here, wherever you are? It is here! Just look at this...

How awesome is that? It was 63 degrees F here today! Loving this weather. I also like that the day is getting longer. It's nice to not get out of bed in the dark, and come home from work in the dark. We haven't even turned our clocks ahead yet. We do that at the end of this month. So it'll be light out even later then. Excellent.

Did I tell everyone what I did Monday? No? Hmm...I'm slipping in my blogging duties. Anyways, on Monday I made the big train trip to Utrecht to pick up my diploma for the immigration courses that I had to take. It took me over a year, but I FINALLY have it!

oooohhhhh    aaaaaaahhhh

There it is! "Inburgeringsdiploma" Inburgering = the Dutch word for integration. And you probably can guess what diploma means, right? ;) No, it didn't come with that smudged spot. I did that. Just in case. Can't be too careful these days, right? It's so nice to be done with those classes. I can't tell you how much the tests stressed me out too. Really happy it's over! But I still need to keep learning more Dutch. Just no more big tests.

Well, no more language tests. I'm sure life will bring many more big tests.

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