It's actually a commercial space downtown that I think must be used by a few different people/clubs. The knitters are there every Thursday night. I went last night for the first time, and it was fun! It was great to be around other knitters. Even if I wasn't able to speak perfect Dutch we still were able to communicate with each other.
I was really nervous before I went. That new-experience nervous, not sure what to expect, etc. I wasn't worried that the people there would be mean, or unaccepting. I don't think I've ever met any nasty knitters! It was just my nerves getting the best of me. I almost didn't go. But I'm glad I pushed my fears aside and went. I will go again, I'm sure!
I knitted a hexipuff while I was there. They were a little surprised at the size of my needles (2.5mm), and the fact that I was doing magic loop (they were mostly working on straight needles), and they all LOVED the puff I took with me.
french knot sheep
I'm rather fond of that puff myself.
It's so much easier to explain what I am working on (Bee Keepers Quilt) when I have a finished puff as an example. They asked how many I needed to make. I laughed.
It's a long term project. Definitely long term.
In other crafting news, I'm still feeling like I want to Craft It All. I am busy right now making this:
knotty goodness
A friendship bracelet. Remember these?! I remember making them in high school. Gosh they were popular. I saw a post online about these a few weeks ago, and didn't think much about it. But when I needed a quick small gift for a card exchange, I thought about these bracelets. Perfect for mailing! And easily adjustable in size too. Just right!
And it fits in just right with my craving for more crafty endeavors!
Back to the knitting cafe... after the get together last night, I kept thinking how awesome it would be to have a totally dedicated to knitting (and crafting in general) place to have these events. Imagine the possibilities in decorating this space! I'm thinking a big comfy living room. Fireplaces along the walls, big comfy overstuffed chairs and couches with knitted or crocheted blankets! A big table for other crafty things. Like a dining table! A library of books for inspiration and knowledge! Different areas for different crafts - maybe a sewing corner, or a painting corner - the sky is the limit! Refreshments would be served, of course! Coffee and tea in vintage tea cups! As well as crafty supplies of all sorts. Yarn, knitting needles, crochet hooks, paints, papers, beads - you name it!
How awesome would that kind of place be?
Oh, the possibilities...
~floats away dreaming of her own crafty shop~