Man, addiction is hard to kick, isn't it?
I should be cleaning, but I knit. I need to make dinner, but all I want to do is knit!
I eat, breathe and sleep knitting! It's an illness. Is there a 12-step program for knitters? Knitter Anonymous or something? I pretty sure I need it!
This is what I've been
obsessed with working on lately.
red and white mittens
They are Smittens, by Knit Picks (
linky). They're so cute, and so quick to make. Though, perhaps they're quick to make since I've made like 20 of them by now? I just might make enough of them to cover a whole tree! But the plan is to make enough to cover a wreath, an average sized wreath. The mittens in the picture above are for my mom, so I'd better get working on my own if I want to have them for this Christmas!
But I have another distraction, that keeps me from making tons of mittens.
squishy yarny fun!
The Hexipuff. I found the pattern on Ravelry just last week, and already I am obSESsed. The designer, Tiny Owl Knits actually made a whole blanket/quilt out of them,
The BeeKeeper's Quilt. Go ahead and take a look.
I'll wait.
Isn't it great?! I just love it. I don't know that I'll be able to make that many, but who knows what I can accomplish in a year? These are just as easy to fit in between projects as the mittens! Now I NEVER have to be without SOMEthing to knit!!!
There are a few other things in my brain wanting to be knitted too. A scarf/shawl thing, the socks I'm finishing up now, popcorn garland, a new baby blanket (for my cousin)...
so many projects.
So little yarn.