Friday, September 10, 2010

Labor Day Trip

No, we don't have Labor Day here, but it was a trip on Monday September 6th, so I'll call it the Labor Day Trip.

We were having some more computer problems, so we had to take a drive to the company that sold us the computer for some repairs. That's a 2 1/2 hour drive from here, so we decided to make a day of it (since we'd be in the car all day anyways). Ok, so maybe I decided to make a day of it when I realized that the online shop that I order yarn from has an actual store in a town just half an hour from where we had to take the computer. What luck!

And I talked Ludi into it, which was even more luck!

I am so glad I talked him into it. It was an awesome store. Everything they had online, they had in stock! That sometimes doesn't happen, you know? There were so many yarns to choose from. And it was so great to be able to see them in real life, their actual color, rather than picking from a photo online and hoping that the real thing was somewhat close to what is on my screen! And also be able to feel them, to know if they're too scratchy or whatever. It was great!

This is what I bought.

the haul from the Hall

I got a lot, huh? There is enough for 5 different projects, I think. Unless I combine the gray and green yarns on the side (in the plastic bags). I haven't really decided what I'm doing with those yarns yet. These, I know what I'm doing with already.

first project

I'll share a Ta-Da! post when it's ready.

It was a great day for a driving trip too. Sunny, not too hot. There wasn't a whole lot of traffic either. There was only one traffic jam that we got caught in on the way home. It was rush-hour time, afterall, so it was bound to happen. But we still enjoyed it.

Ludi too, since his computer got fixed. yay! Let's hope it stays this way.

 And since it's Friday, September 10 today I have to say

to Aunt Val! I hope that she has a fantabulous birthday today, and celebrates over the entire weekend. That's what you're supposed to do when your birthday lands on a Friday. The whole weekend is then your birthday. 72-hours worth of b-day.

Have a great weekend, everyone! Talk to you soon...


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I have a twitch.

In my eye. The lower eyelid.

This is the 2nd day of it's torture.

What does it want from me?!

In order to try to forget about the above mentioned tick, I'll try something different today. I've read on other blogs in blogland "Things I Like" posts. Perhaps that will satisfy the twitch, and make it calm the heck down. Worth a shot, huh? Here goes:
  • the smell of freshly cut grass. Even this time of year, in September, you can get a whiff of that green smell that is the best thing in the world. You can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl, I guess!
  • this song. It's so catchy! It makes me bob up and down every time I hear it. Even if I can't understand what they're saying (it's in German!).
  • Diet Coke. "Hi, my name is Heather, and I'm a Diet Coke-aholic." 
  • Christmas!!!!! It's only 108 days until, you know. Have you started shopping yet?! Making your list? Checking it twice? Do you think Santa reads my blog? Hmmm...
  • flowers. Mostly cut flowers. I've shown you many pictures in the past of the pretties I've gotten, but I really do like planted flowers too. I just wish my thumbs were greener. The flowers on the balcony this year didn't do very well. I don't know if it was me, or if the location just didn't suit them. I'll blame it on location, so I don't have to take it personally.
These are all things that you already knew about me, other than the song. I didn't want to list too many, because that would be boring, wouldn't it? Next time I'll try to think of things you DON'T know about me.

Also coming up in a future post is my new stash of yarn. Pictures and everything!

Enjoy the rest of your week...


edit: per the comment, I switched the link of the song to one that works in the States. Hope it works for everyone now!